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Elena S. Shubina

Elena S. Shubina
Personal Info
A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds (INEOS)
Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov St. 28, Moscow, 119991, Russia
+7 (499) 135-18-71
Send Email
Academic Degree
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Moscow State University (1982)
D. Sc. in Chemistry, INEOS RAS (1997)
Prof. Physical Chemistry (2006)
1969-1974 - M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department
1978-1982 - Postgraduate course at Moscow State University
1974-1978 - junior researcher, Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry
1982-1986 - junior research scientist, INEOS RAS
1986-1991 - research scientist, INEOS RAS
1991-1998 - senior research scientist, INEOS RAS
1998-2001 - leading research scientist, INEOS RAS
2001-2003 - leading researcher, Head of the Group of Metal Hydrides
2004 - present time - Head of the Laboratory of Metal Hydrides, INEOS RAS
Scientific Interests
Organometallic, Inorganic, Physical chemistry; molecular spectroscopy; structure and reactivity of transition metal hydride complexes and main group hydrides; intermolecular interactions; hydrogen bonding and proton transfer in organometallic chemistry; supramolecular design based on macrocyclic pyrazolates of copper(I) or silver(I) and metal-oxo clusters with organoelement and organic ligands

Three new types of intermolecular hydrogen bonds typical for organometallic compounds have been comprehensively explored: hydrogen bonds to transition metal atom as proton acceptor, to hydride ligand as proton acceptor and with hydride ligand as proton donor. Approaches to mechanistic studies of proton transfer reactions of transition metal and main group element hydrides have been developed. Their application allowed showing a guiding role of various unusual hydrogen bonds that determine the proton transfer pathway and the reaction selectivity. Relationship between the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of each reaction step and peculiarities of potential energy profiles have been deduced.


over 150 Papers in peer-review journals including 3 book chapters: “Dihydrogen bonded complexes and proton transfer to hydride ligand by spectral (IR, NMR) studies” in Recent Advances in Hydride Chemistry, Elsevier Science, 2001; “Weak Interactions and M-H Bond Activation” in Advances in Organometallic Chemistry: The Silver/Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book, First Edition. Ed.: A. J. L. Pombeiro. John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2014, chapt. 8, 97-109; “IR spectroscopy of hydrides and its application to hydrogen bonding and proton transfer studies” in Spectrosc. Prop. Inorg. Organomet. Compd., 2012, 43, 1–28

Supervisor of 10 Ph. D. Thesis

Invited Lecturer: Lecturer at Universities of Germany, India, Japan, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy in 1995-2014.
Visiting Professor at Université de Bourgogne, Dijon in 2001–2004 and Toulouse 2012

Plenary, Invited or Keynote lecturer at XIII FECHEM Conference on Organometallic Chemistry 1999; 12th International Conference on Boron Chemistry 2005; Japan, International Conference “From molecules towards materials”, Russia, 2005; International Conference on Cluster Chemistry and Polynuclear Compounds, Russia 2006, XVII EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria 2007,. XIII IMEBORON, Barcelone, Spain, 2008, XIV IMEBORON, Canada, 2011, International Conference on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry, N. Novgorod, Russia, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2015, International Conference on Hydrogen and Hydrogen Storage: Methods and Materials, January, 2009, Bangalore, India, XXV ICOMC Portugal 2012, 79th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society 2014; International Conference on Coordination Chemistry ICCC-41, Singapore, 2014, International Symposium on “New Horizons in Chemistry” and Interdisciplinary Symposium on Material Chemistry, Mumbai, India, 2014.

Total over 100 Communications at International scientific meetings

International and National Activity:
  • Russian representative in the EuCheMS Division on Organometallic Chemistry since 2007
  • Member of the Organizing Committees of International conferences on Organometallic Chemistry held in Russia since 1993
  • Organizer of Franco-Russian seminars “Homogeneous catalysis for the sustainable development” 2009, 2012, 2015
  • Russian Coordinator of the 3 bilateral Projects between CNR (Rome) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) in 2008-2009; 2010-2011; 2012-2013
  • Russian Coordinator of bilateral RFBR - CNRS Projects (PICS) in 2005-2007
  • Russian Coordinator of International research group (GDRI) “Homogeneous catalysis for the sustainable development” (France, Italy, Russia) 2008-2015
  • Russian Coordinator of RFBR (Russia)- CNR (Italy) research project 2015-2017
  • Responsible of 8 RFBR projects since 1995
  • Referee of the following international journals: Journal of the American Chemical Society; Coordination Chemistry Reviews; Chemistry – the European Journal; Chemical Communications; Organometallics; Dalton Transactions; Inorganic Chemistry; European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Journal of Organometallic Chemistry; Journal of Molecular Structure; Inorganica Chimica Acta; Inorganic Chemistry Communications; Journal of the Physical Chemistry.

  • Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 19266-19275, DOI: 10.1039/d4nr02298j
    A. N. Bilyachenko, Khrustalev Victor N., Huang Zhibin, Dubinina Kristina D., E. S. Shubina, Lobanov Nikolai N., Sun Di, Alegria Elisabete C.B.A, Pombeiro Armando J.L.
    An ionic Cu9Na4-phenylsilsesquioxane/bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium complex: synthesis, unique structure, and catalytic activity
  • Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 18389-18398, DOI: 10.1039/d4nr02173h
    A. Yu. Zueva, A. N. Bilyachenko, Khrustalev Victor N., Shul'pina Lidia S., Ikonnikov Nikolay S., Dorovatovskii Pavel V., E. S. Shubina, Rahimov Karim G., Lobanov Nikolai N., Sun Di
    Rational (supra)molecular design and catalytic activity of cagelike Cu4-based phenylsilsesquioxanes
  • Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2024, 50(5), 316-325, DOI: 10.1134/S1070328423601541
    Isonitrile Coordination to Pincer Iridium Hydrido Chlorides
  • Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2024, 55, 1323-1333, DOI: 10.1007/s00723-024-01710-7
    Mikhailov I.K., Gafurov Z.N., Kagilev A.A., Sakhapov I.F., Morozov V.I., Ganeev G.R., Khayarov K.R., V. Kulikova, V. A. Kirkina, E. I. Gutsul, E. S. Shubina, N. V. Belkova, Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G.
    Electrocatalytic Radical Degradation of 2-Aminoethanol by Nickel, Palladium and Platinum Complexes Bearing Non-Innocent Diarylamido/bis(Phosphine) Pincer Ligand
  • Inorg. Chem., 2024, 63(36), 16610-16621, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c00751
    K. F. Baranova, A. A. Titov, Shakirova Julia R., Baigildin Vadim A., Smol’yakov Alexander F., D. Valyaev, Ning Guo-Hong, O. A. Filippov, S. P. Tunik, E. S. Shubina
    Substituents’ Effect on the Photophysics of Trinuclear Copper(I) and Silver(I) Pyrazolate–Phosphine Cages
  • Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 5758, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-50164-9
    Alexander G. Medvedev, Pavel A. Egorov, Alexey A. Mikhaylov, Evgeny S. Belyaev, Gayane A. Kirakosyan, Yulia G. Gorbunova, O. A. Filippov, N. V. Belkova, E. S. Shubina, Maria N. Brekhovskikh, Anna A. Kirsanova, Maria V. Babak, Ovadia Lev, Petr V. Prikhodchenko
    Synergism of primary and secondary interactions in a crystalline hydrogen peroxide complex with tin
  • Chem. Eur. J., 2024, 30(31), e202401164, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202401164
    A. Yu. Zueva, A. N. Bilyachenko, Arteev I. S., Khrustalev Victor N., Dorovatovskii Pavel V., Shul’pina Lidia S., Ikonnikov Nikolay S., E. I. Gutsul, Rahimov Karim G., E. S. Shubina, Conceição Nuno Reis, Mahmudov Kamran T., Guedes da Silva M.Fátima C, Pombeiro Armando J.L.
    A family of hexacopper phenylsilsesquioxane/acetate complexes: synthesis, solvent‐controlled cage structures, and catalytic activity
  • Front. Chem., 2024, 12:1379587, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2024.1379587
    Gautier Félix, A. N. Kulakova, Saad Sene, Victor N. Khrustalev, Miguel A. Hernández-Rodríguez, E. S. Shubina, Tristan Pelluau, Luís D. Carlos, Yannick Guari, Albano N. Carneiro Neto, A. N. Bilyachenko, J. Larionova
    Luminescent Ln3+-based silsesquioxanes with a β-diketonate antenna ligand: toward the design of efficient temperature sensors
  • Mendeleev Communications, 2024, 34, 192–194, DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2024.02.010
    Stepwise carbon dioxide hydrosylilation catalyzed by bimetallic complexes [CpM(CO)2(μ-CO)···Pd(But PCP)]
  • Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2024, 956, 118084, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2024.118084
    Alexey A. Kagilev, Zufar N. Gafurov, Il'yas F. Sakhapov, Vladimir I. Morozov, Artyom O. Kantyukov, Ruslan B. Zaripov, Ekaterina M. Zueva, Ilya K. Mikhailov, Alexey B. Dobrynin, V. Kulikova, V. A. Kirkina, E. I. Gutsul, E. S. Shubina, N. V. Belkova, Oleg G. Sinyashin, Dmitry G. Yakhvarov
    Electrochemical generation and in situ EPR- and UV–vis- observation of aminyl-radical diarylamido/bis(phosphine) pincer complexes of Ni, Pd and Pt
  • Inorg. Chem., 2024, 63(4), 1909–1918, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03587
    A. N. Bilyachenko, Khrustalev Victor N., Dorovatovskii Pavel V., Shul’pina Lidia S., Ikonnikov Nikolay S., E. S. Shubina, Lobanov Nikolai N., Aliyeva Vusala A., Nunes Ana V.M., Mahmudov Kamran T., Kozlov Yuriy N., Pombeiro Armando J.L.
    Fe(III)-Based Phenylsilsesquioxane/Acetylacetonate Complexes: Synthesis, Cage-like Structure, and High Catalytic Activity
  • Chemical science, 2024, 15, 1409-1417, DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05356C
    E. Gulyaeva, E. S. Osipova, S. Kovalenko, O. A. Filippov, N. V. Belkova, Vendier Laure, Canac Yves, E. S. Shubina, D. Valyaev
    Two active species from a single metal halide precursor: a case study of highly productive Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenation of amine-boranes via intermolecular bimetallic cooperation
  • Chem. Eur. J., 2024, e202403604, DOI: 10.1002/chem.202403604
    A. N. Bilyachenko, Victor N. Khrustalev, Zhibin Huang, Pavel V. Dorovatovskii, E. S. Shubina, Nikolai N. Lobanov, Zhi Wang, Karim Ragimov, Nuno Reis Conceição, Abdallah G. Mahmoud, Armando J. L. Pombeiro
    Combination of phenylsilsesquioxane and acetate ligands as an approach to a record high nuclear Cu13Na2-cage. Synthesis, unique structure, and catalytic activity
  • Inorg. Chem., 2024, 63(43), 20404-20414, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c02806
    A. N. Bilyachenko, Khrustalev V. N., Arteev I. S., Shul’pina L. S., Ikonnikov N. S., Kirillova M. V., E. S. Shubina, Kirillov A. M., Kozlov Y.N., Lobanov N. N., Ragimov K. G., Sun Di.
    Cu12-Methylsilsesquioxane Cage Decorated with Cu(dppe)2 Moieties for Mild Oxidative Functionalization of Alkanes
  • Dalton Trans., 2024, 53(48), 19102-19106, DOI: 10.1039/d4dt02690j
    A. N. Bilyachenko, Khrustalev V. N., Huang Z., Shul'pina L. S., Dorovatovskii P., E. S. Shubina, Ikonnikov N. S., Lobanov N. N., Rahimov K. G., Sun Di.
    An octanuclear 3-phenyl-5-(2-pyridyl)pyrazolate/phenylsilsesquioxane complex: synthesis, unique structure, and catalytic activity
  • Chemical Communications, 2024, 60, 847-850, DOI: 10.1039/D3CC05659G
    A. A. Titov, Smol’yakov Alexander F., Chernyadyev Andrey Yu., Godovikov Ivan A., O. A. Filippov, E. S. Shubina
    Pyrazolate vs phenylethynide: direct exchange of anionic bridging ligand in cyclic trinuclear silver complex
  • J. Organomet. Chem., 2011, 696, 1174-1183
    P. A. Dub, J.-C. Daran, V. A. Kirkina, N. V. Belkova, E. S. Shubina, R. Poli
    Modeling the platinum-catalyzed intermolecular hydroamination of ethylene: the nucleophilic addition of HNEt2 to coordinated ethylene in trans-PtBr2(C2H4)(HNEt2)
  • Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 1367–1370
    V. A. Kirkina, A. Rossin, N. V. Belkova, M. R. Chierotti, L. M. Epstein, O. A. Filippov, R. Gobetto, L. Gonsalvi, A. Lledos, E. S. Shubina, F. Zanobini, M. Peruzzini
    Acid-base interaction between transition metal hydrides results in dihydrogen bonding and assists H2 evolution
  • Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 3325-3331
    V. N.Tsupreva, A. A. Titov, O. A. Filippov, A. N. Bilyachenko, A. F.Smol'yakov, F. M. Dolgushin, D. V. Agapkin, I. A. Godovikov, L. M. Epstein, E. S. Shubina
    Peculiarities of the Complexation of Copper and Silver Adducts of a 3,5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)pyrazolate Ligand with Organoiron Compounds
  • Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 444-450
    O.N. Kazheva, G.G. Alexandrov, A.V. Kravchenko, I.D. Kosenko, I.A. Lobanova, I.B. Sivaev, O. A. Filippov, E. S. Shubina, V.I. Bregadze, V.A. Starodub, L.V. Titov, L.I. Buravov, O.A. Dyachenko
    Molecular Conductors with a 8-Hydroxy cobalt Bis(dicarbollide) Anion
  • Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 12539-52
    A. Béthegnies, V. A. Kirkina, O. A. Filippov, J.-C. Daran, N. V. Belkova, E. S. Shubina, R. Poli
    Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Relevance to the Rhodium-Based Catalyst for Ethylene Hydroamination