Novel types of hydrogen bonding involving organometallic compounds and transition metal hydrides
Mechanistic studies of stoichiometric and catalytic reactions involving migration of hydrogen ions. The studies are performed using combination of low temperature molecular spectroscopy measurements and quantum chemical calculations.
Noncovalent Interactions in Coordination Chemistry of Cyclic Trinuclear Copper(I) and Silver(I) Pyrazolates
Pushing the limits of electron donation for cis-chelating ligands via an alliance of phosphonium ylide and anionic abnormal NHC
Electrocatalytic proton reduction by nickel(II) diarylamido/bis(phosphine) PNP ionic pincer complex
S. Kovalenko, E. Gulyaeva, E. S. Osipova, O. A. Filippov, Anastasia A. Danshina, Laure Vendier, N. V. Kireev, Ivan A. Godovikov, Yves Canac, D. Valyaev, N. V. Belkova, E. S. Shubina Influence of triphosphine ligand coordination geometry in Mn(i) hydride complexes [(P∩P∩P)(CO)2MnH] on their kinetic hydricity
Isonitrile Coordination to Pincer Iridium Hydrido Chlorides
Mikhailov I.K., Gafurov Z.N., Kagilev A.A., Sakhapov I.F., Morozov V.I., Ganeev G.R., Khayarov K.R., V. Kulikova, V. A. Kirkina, E. I. Gutsul, E. S. Shubina, N. V. Belkova, Sinyashin O.G., Yakhvarov D.G. Electrocatalytic Radical Degradation of 2-Aminoethanol by Nickel, Palladium and Platinum Complexes Bearing Non-Innocent Diarylamido/bis(Phosphine) Pincer Ligand
Bushkov Nikolai S., Rumyantseva Andrey V., Pichugov Andrey V., Zhizhin Anton A., Aleshin Dmitry Yu, E. I. Gutsul, Takazova Rina U., Kitaeva Dinara Kh, Dolgushin Fedor M., Novikov Roman A., Zhizhko Pavel A., Zarubin Dmitry N. The Role of L-Ligands in Silica-Supported Ti Oxo/Imido Heterometathesis Catalysts
Half-Sandwich Iminophosphonamide Rhodium Complexes as Highly Efficient Catalysts for Dehydrogenation of Dimethylamine-Borane
Stepwise carbon dioxide hydrosylilation catalyzed by bimetallic complexes [CpM(CO)2(μ-CO)···Pd(But PCP)]
E. Gulyaeva, Ruqaya Buhaibeh, Mohamed
Boundor, Karim Azouzi, Jérémy Willot, Stéphanie Bastin, Carine Duhayon, Noël Lugan, O. A. Filippov, Jean-Baptiste
Sortais, D. Valyaev, and Yves Canac Impact of the Methylene Bridge Substitution in Chelating NHC-
Phosphine Mn(I) Catalyst for Ketone Hydrogenation
Alexey A. Kagilev, Zufar N. Gafurov, Il'yas F. Sakhapov, Vladimir I.
Morozov, Artyom O. Kantyukov, Ruslan B. Zaripov, Ekaterina M. Zueva, Ilya K. Mikhailov, Alexey B. Dobrynin, V. Kulikova, V. A. Kirkina, E. I. Gutsul, E. S. Shubina, N. V. Belkova, Oleg G. Sinyashin, Dmitry G. Yakhvarov Electrochemical generation and in situ EPR- and UV–vis- observation of
aminyl-radical diarylamido/bis(phosphine) pincer complexes of Ni, Pd and Pt
Two active species from a single metal halide precursor: a case study of highly productive Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenation of amine-boranes via intermolecular bimetallic cooperation
Ameskal Mohammad, Taakili Rachid, E. Gulyaeva, Duhayon Carine, Willot Jérémy, Lugan Noël, Lepetit Christine, D. Valyaev, Canac Yves Phosphine-NHC-phosphonium ylide pincer ligand: complexation with Pd(II) and unconventional P-coordination of the ylide moiety
Half-Sandwich Manganese Complex Bearing Fused Oxazoline-NHC Ligand: Conformational Analysis and Evaluation in Asymmetric Ketone Hydrosilylation
E. S. Osipova, S. Kovalenko, E. Gulyaeva, N. V. Kireev, Alexander A. Pavlov, O. A. Filippov, Anastasia A. Danshina, D. Valyaev, Yves Canac, E. S. Shubina, N. V. Belkova The Dichotomy of Mn–H Bond Cleavage and Kinetic Hydricity of Tricarbonyl Manganese Hydride Complexes
Activation of dinitrogen by group 6 metal complexes
Basicity and hydride-donating ability of palladium(II) hydride complex with diarylamido-bis-phosphine pincer ligand
Cyclometalated (NNC)Ru(ii) complex catalyzed β-methylation of alcohols using methanol
Fac-to-mer isomerization triggers hydride transfer from Mn(I) complex fac-[(Ph2PCH2PPh2)Mn(CO)3H]
Amine-boranes reactions promoted by lanthanide(ii) ions
Nickel(II) dihydrogen and hydride complexes as the intermediates of H2 heterolytic splitting by nickel diazadiphosphacyclooctane complexes
Churusova S.G., Aleksanyan D.V., Rybalkina E.Y., Susova O.Y., Peregudov A.S., Brunova V.V., E. I. Gutsul, Klemenkova Z.S., Nelyubina Y.V., Glushko V.N., Kozlov V.A. Palladium(II) pincer complexes of functionalized amides with S-modified cysteine and homocysteine residues: cytotoxic activity and different aspects of their biological effect on living cells
Petropavlovskikh D.A., Vorobyeva D.V., Godovikov I.A., Nefedov S.E., O. A. Filippov, Osipov S.N. Lossen rearrangement by Rh(III)-catalyzed C-H activation/annulation of aryl hydroxamates with alkynes: access to quinolone-containing amino acid derivatives
Grineva Alina A., O. A. Filippov, Canac Yves, Sortais Jean-Baptiste, Nefedov Sergei E., Lugan Noël, César Vincent, D. Valyaev Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Electronic Properties of Anionic N-Heterocyclic Dicarbenes through the Rational Synthesis of Their Transition Metal Complexes
Iinfluence of phosphine (pincer) ligands on the transition metal hydrides reactivity
E. S. Osipova, E. Gulyaeva, E. I. Gutsul, V. A. Kirkina, A. A. Pavlov, Y. V. Nelyubina, A. Rossin, M. Peruzzini, L. M. Epstein, N. V. Belkova, O. A. Filippov, E. S. Shubina Bifunctional activation of amine-boranes by the W/Pd bimetallic analogs of “frustrated Lewis pairs”
Regioselective Isomerization of Terminal Alkenes Catalyzed by a PC(sp3)P Pincer Complex with a Hemilabile Pendant Arm
Kalsin A. M., Peganova T. A., Sinopalnikova I. S., Fedyanin I. V., N. V. Belkova, Deydier E., R. Poli Mechanistic diversity in acetophenone transfer hydrogenation catalyzed by ruthenium iminophosphonamide complexes
Steric and Electronic Effect of Cp-Substituents on the Structure of the Ruthenocene Based Pincer Palladium Borohydrides
Dehydrogenation of amine–boranes catalyzed by a PCsp3P pincer iridium complex
Stereoisomerism as an Origin of Different Reactivity of Ir(III) PC(sp3)P Pincer Catalysts
Bis[diphenylphosphino]methane and its bridge-substituted analogues as chemically non-innocent ligands for H2 activation
Sergey A. Anufriev, Kyrill Yu. Suponitsky, O. A. Filippov, Igor B. Sivaev Synthesis and Structure of Methylsulfanyl Derivatives of Nickel Bis(Dicarbollide)
Marina Yu. Stogniy, Olga N. Kazheva, Denis M. Chudak, Gennady V. Shilov, O. A. Filippov, Igor B. Sivaev, Andrey V. Kravchenko, Vladimir A. Starodub, Lev I. Buravov, Vladimir I. Bregadze, Oleg A. Dyachenkob Synthesis and study of C-substituted methylthio derivatives of cobalt bis(dicarbollide)
Synthesis, Structural Properties and Reactivity of Ruthenocene-based Pincer Pd(II) Tetrahydroborate
Direct Access to IMesF and IMesF2 by Electrophilic Fluorination of Abnormal N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
Phosphine‐NHC Manganese Hydrogenation Catalyst Exhibiting a Non‐Classical Metal‐Ligand Cooperative H2 Activation Mode
Non-covalent interactions in stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of iridium pincer complexes
Ligands effect on the Lewis acidity of the metal and the N-bases binding to iridium pincer complexes
Interaction of a trinuclear copper(I) pyrazolate with alkynes and carbon–carbon triple bond activation
Ruthenium p-cymene iminophosphonamide complexes: activation under basic conditions and transfer hydrogenation catalysis
Steric and Acidity Control in Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer to trans-W(N2)2(dppe)2
Z-H bond activation in (di)hydrogen bonding as a way to proton/hydride transfer and H2 evolution
Oxidative Coupling of Anionic Abnormal N‐Heterocyclic Carbenes: an Efficient Access to Janus‐Type 4,4'‐Bis(2H‐Imidazol‐2‐Ylidenes)
Amine Boranes Dehydrogenation Mediated by an Unsymmetrical Iridium Pincer Hydride: (PCN) vs (PCP) Improved Catalytic Performance
The Origin of the MNXN Metallacycle Flexibility in the Chelate Iminophosphonamide and Amidinate Transition Metal Complexes
Catalytic Redox Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols with Rhodium and Iridium Complexes with Ferrocene Phosphine-Thioether Ligands
Mechanism of Dimethylamine–Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by an Iridium(III) PCP-Pincer Complex
Ammonia Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by (κ4‑EP3)Co(H) [EP3 = E(CH2CH2PPh2)3; E = N, P] and H2 Evolution from Their Interaction with NH Acids
The interplay of proton accepting and hydride donor abilities in the mechanism of step-wise boron hydrides alcoholysis
Competition between the Hydride Ligands of Two Types in Proton Transfer to [{κ3-P-CH3C(CH2CH2PPh2)3}RuH(η2-BH4)]
Coordinatively labile 18-electron arene ruthenium iminophosphonamide complexes
Ir(III)-PC(sp3)P Bifunctional Catalysts for Production of H2 by Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid: Experimental and Theoretical Study
Svetlana G. Churusova, Diana V. Aleksanyan, Ekaterina Yu. Rybalkina, Olga Yu. Susova, Valentina V. Brunova, Rinat R. Aysin, Yulia V. Nelyubina, Alexander S. Peregudov, E. I. Gutsul, Zinaida S. Klemenkova, and Vladimir A. Kozlov Highly Cytotoxic Palladium(II) Pincer Complexes Based on Picolinylamides Functionalized with Amino Acids Bearing Ancillary S-Donor Groups
Hydrogen and Dihydrogen Bonds in the Reactions of Metal Hydrides
PCP Pincer Iridium Chemistry: Coordination of Pyridines to (tBuPCP)IrH(Cl)
Dihydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer from MH vs OH acids to Group 10 Metal Hydrides (tBuPCP)MH [tBuPCP = 3-2,6-(tBu2PCH2)2C6H3; M = Ni, Pd]
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, First Edition. Ed.: A. J. L. Pombeiro. John Willey & Sons, Inc. chapt. 8, 97-109. (book chapter)
The Silver/Gold Jubilee International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Celebratory Book. Weak Interactions and M-H Bond Activation
N. V. Belkova, E. V. Bakhmutova-Albert, E. I. Gutsul, V. I. Bakhmutov, I. E. Golub, O. A. Filippov, L. M. Epstein, M. Peruzzini, A. Rossin, F. Zanobini, E. S. Shubina Dihydrogen bonding in complex (PP3)RuH(η1-BH4) featuring two proton-accepting hydride sites: experimental and theoretical studies
Dihydrogen bonding formed by (hydrido)[hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borato]ruthenium. The effect of ligands on the proton-withdrawing ability of ruthenium complexes
Conformational Flexibility of Dibenzobarrelene-Based PC(sp3)P Pincer Iridium Hydride Complexes: The Role of Hemilabile Functional Groups and External Coordinating Solvents
Transition metal hydride M—H bond activation upon the formation of complexes with acids and bases
Z. Phys. Chem., 2013, 227, 69–88
First Example of Hydrogen Bonding to Platinum Hydride
Ligand–Metal Cooperating PC(sp3)P Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in Olefin Hydroformylation
Hydrogen bonding and proton transfer to ruthenium hydride complex CpRuH(dppe): metal and hydride dichotomy.
Activation of a (cyclooctadiene) rhodium(I) complex supported by a chiral ferrocenyl phosphine thioether ligand for hydrogenation catalysis: a combined parahydrogen NMR and DFT study
Russ. Chem. Bull., 2013, 62, 751-757
Iridium and rhodium complexes with the planar chiral thioether ligands in asymmetric hydrogenation of ketones and imines
Spectrosc. Prop. Inorg. Organomet. Compd., 2012, 43, 1–28 (book chapter)
IR spectroscopy of hydrides and its application to hydrogen bonding and proton transfer studies
ChemPhysChem, 2012, 13, 2677
Directionality of Dihydrogen Bonds: The Role of Transition Metal Atoms
Comput Theor Chem, 2012, 998, 129-140
Hydrogen–deuterium exchange in hydride chemistry: Dihydrogen bonded complexes as key intermediates
Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 11849-11859
Coordination chemistry of diphenylphosphinoferrocenylthioethers on cyclooctadiene and norbornadiene rhodium(I) platforms
J. Organomet. Chem., 2011, 696, 1174-1183
Modeling the platinum-catalyzed intermolecular hydroamination of ethylene: the nucleophilic addition of HNEt2 to coordinated ethylene in trans-PtBr2(C2H4)(HNEt2)
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 1367–1370
V. A. Kirkina, A. Rossin, N. V. Belkova, M. R. Chierotti, L. M. Epstein, O. A. Filippov, R. Gobetto, L. Gonsalvi, A. Lledos, E. S. Shubina, F. Zanobini, M. Peruzzini Acid-base interaction between transition metal hydrides results in dihydrogen bonding and assists H2 evolution
Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50, 12539-52
Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Relevance to the Rhodium-Based Catalyst for Ethylene Hydroamination