Master degree (D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia), PhD degree (1979, INEOS);
1995 – present: Leading Research Fellow
organoelement chemistry; transition metal clusters; coordination polymers; catalysis; molecular magnetism.
Dr. M. Levitsky is well-known by his scientific work (over 100 peer-reviewed papers, over 15 Grants of RFBR) and as well by popularizing chemistry. He wrote over 150 papers addressed to students, instructors in higher education and researchers in different scientific fields. Dr. Levitsky is collaborating with all leading popular scientific journals in the Russian Federation: Khimiya i Zhizn – XXI Vek (Chemistry and Life – 21st Century, ), Priroda (Nature,, Khimiya. 1 Sentyabrya (Chemistry. 1 September, and online encyclopedia Krugosvet (Around the world, Dr. Levitsky is an author of 4 popular scientific books. One of his books has been translated to Chinese.