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Marina S. Dronova

Junior researcher
Marina S. Dronova
Personal Info
Date Of Birth
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Academic Degree
2008 - B. Sc., Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
2010 - M. Sc., Lomonosov Moscow University of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
2013 - PhD in chemistry «Oligomeric cage-like Cu (II) -, Mn (II)-containing siloxanes: synthesis, structure, magnetic and catalytic properties»
April 2013 - three week training in the group of Prof. Roman B. Morgunov, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
June-July 2013 - one-month training in the group of Prof. Ulrich Kortz, School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
2010 - 2013 - PhD studies in the group of Prof. Elena S. Shubina under supervision of Dr. Aleksey N. Bilyachenko, A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences

2011- 9th - International Congress of Young Chemists, oral presentation "Cage-like metallasiloxanes as molecular magnets and catalysts" Cracow, Poland
2012 - 14th - JCF-Fruhjahrssymposium (14th young scientists conference on chemistry), oral presentation "Cu,Na - siloxane as universal catalyst of aldehydes conversion", Rostock, Germany
2012 - 6th - European Silicon Days, oral presentation "Bimetallic cage-like siloxanes: template synthesis and catalytic properties", Lyon, France
2013 - 15th - JCF-Frühjahrssymposium (15th young scientists conference on chemistry), oral presentation "Molecular magnetism in cage-like silsesquioxanes containing 3d-transition metal atoms", Berlin, Germany
2014 – ChemCYS-2014 (12th Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists), "Copper Containing Cage-Like Siloxanes: Template Synthesis and Catalytic Properties", Blankenberge, Belgium
Scientific Interests
Organometallic chemistry: synthesis, IR UV and NMR spectroscopy; magnetic properties, surface studies, homo and heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemical studies, mass spectrometry
  • Russ. Chem. Bull., 2012, 61, 200-203
    M. M. Levitsky, A. N. Bilyachenko, M. S. Dronova, A.I. Dmitriev, R.B. Morgunov, E. S. Shubina, A.D. Kirilin
    Competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in (manganese,sodium)phenylsilsesquioxane with metal oxide fragments